Dragon city short breeding times
Dragon city short breeding times

dragon city short breeding times

This time Poseadus+Rebird, both lvl 5 again… A 16h breeding time was displayed with 16 gems to speed up but after closing the breeding screen a time of 20h was displayed with 20 gems to speed up…. I turned back to DC and after back to ancient world and the dragons were not in the dome anymore… But if I check the combo the 2 dragons are marked with red hearts like they are breeding… ?!?! … Tried a new pair. No time was displayed, not even after I closed the breeding combo…. I tried Recondite+Gorgonela, both lvl 5…. Using 2 Ancient dragons with Terra is even better, as that will leave only Terra + Terra = Terra as a “miss”.Īncient Dragons with Terra: Ignox (Dream), Fulltune (Happy), Guardangel (Beauty)

dragon city short breeding times

In general, favor using Terra as it results in the shortest breeding times. This means looking at the 3rd element of the Ancient Dragons used for breeding. Since you can get regular dragons from these breedings, it makes sense to limit the number and breeding times for those “misses”. This isn’t confirmed yet, but is likely how it works on “misses”: You can still get normal dragons from these Ancient Dragon combos, keep trying and you’ll get it eventually.When sending to the Hatchery from Breeding Dome, you may have to visit Ancient World and return again before seeing the egg.The new dragons are all 16 hours to breed, so hope for a 16 hour breeding time!.Match up the second element of the parents to the child.Ancient Dragons must be level 2 or higher to be used in breeding.What Ancient World breeding combos have you found? Let us know in the comments below! Here’s mine for Dreamcatcher … Breeding Tips

Dragon city short breeding times